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Fall 2011 Undergraduate Calendar
The engineering curriculum leading to the B.A.Sc. degree has been designed to offer students an education that is immediately valuable to them on graduation and which, at the same time, provides a foundation to accommodate their further education in industry or research.
Those interested in pursuing graduate studies should consult the graduate calendar information on the Integrated B.A.Sc./M.A.Sc. program.
The first year is common in order to give the student an introduction to general engineering principles and to allow investigation of a special field of interest for subsequent years of study.
The Co-operative Education Program is available in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Microelectronics Option), Electrical Engineering (Communications Engineering Option), Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option), Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (Materials Option), and Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option).
While engineers must work within the technologies of the times, they are also responsible for the continual development of these technologies. The flexibility demanded of the engineer must be based upon proficiency in the physical sciences, and a confident ability to apply the sciences to the benefit of humankind. Therefore, our engineering programs are founded upon a substantial content of mathematics, physics, and chemistry; and our engineering subjects are taught with a view to familiarizing the students with contemporary practice, and teaching them those methods of analysis, design, and realization which they will be able to apply to a continually developing discipline.
The aim of the engineer is to apply the latest science and technology for the betterment of society; engineers must, therefore, realize their duties to society and, as a prerequisite, appreciate how civilizations have developed to their present states.
The independent responsibility that we wish to see in practicing engineers is impressed upon our students by emphasis on laboratory work, tutorials, projects, and assignments. Further, the student is assisted in individual studies by counselling and professional development seminars.
These activities encourage a close and profitable student-professor relationship and facilitate the interchange of engineering information and experience to develop the professional maturity and integrity of the student.
Students are directed to become familiar and to comply with the general regulations of the University which apply to all students. Additionally, programs within the Faculty of Engineering have particular regulations. Students enrolled in Engineering programs also must comply with these particular requirements.
Students also are directed to read the "
Statement of Responsibility
" on the inside front cover.
All course changes subsequent to registration require the written approval of the Associate Dean of the Faculty.
A student may register for courses additional to those in the Engineering program only with the permission of the Head of the department in which the student is enrolled and the Associate Dean.
1) A student's academic evaluation is based on a cumulative average of grades weighted as follows: The weight of a one-term course is equal to the number of lecture hours per week, plus one-half the number of tutorial or laboratory hours per week.
2) All courses taken as part of the Engineering Program, are used to calculate a cumulative average. Similarly, all marks obtained in courses in the major area of study are used to calculate major averages. Provided that the course is available in a subsequent registration period, a student may repeat a course only once for purposes of upgrading a major or cumulative average. Both the original mark and the upgraded mark obtained will remain on the student’s official record. However, only the mark received in the second attempt is used in calculating the cumulative and major averages.
The Academic Standing Committee may grant a supplemental evaluation privilege for a failed course provided that the student:
(a) has failed only one course in the evaluation period; and
(b) has a grade in the failed course of F; and
(c) has a cumulative average of 5.0 or better.
If a supplemental evaluation privilege is granted and the student decides to exercise this privilege, the student must register for the supplemental and pay the appropriate fee. Once a student has registered for a supplemental evaluation and the required evaluation method has been prescribed, the evaluation will occur at the time and place prescribed by the Faculty of Engineering. Failure to write after registering for the supplemental evaluation will result in a grade of F being assigned. Both the resulting grade and the original grade will be shown on the student's transcript and will be included in the determination of the student's cumulative average.
In addition to complying with the general university regulations an Engineering student must complete the program within eight years of study from the date of first registration in an Engineering program.