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Bachelor of Science General Programs
The Bachelor of Science (General Science) requires the completion of thirty courses.
Bachelor of Science Honours Programs
Programs leading to an Honours B.Sc. require the completion of forty courses.
Specific requirements differ depending upon the Honours Major(s). Course selection may provide for further specialization in a single subject or in a combination of related subjects. Students who achieve a major G.P.A. of 8.0 or higher will receive the Honours degree.
The following programs are offered:
Biological Sciences - Honours Biological Sciences, Honours Biology and Biotechnology.
Chemistry and Biochemistry - Honours Biochemistry, Honours Chemistry, Honours Chemistry and Physics, Honours Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
Computer Science - Honours Computer Information Systems, Co-operative Education program in Honours Computer Information Systems, Honours Applied Computing, Honours Computer Science with option in Software Engineering (with and without Co-op).
Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences - Honours Environmental Science (with or without thesis)
Physics - Honours Physics, Honours Physics (Physics and High Technology), Honours Physics (Medical Physics) - All physics programs are with/without thesis and with/without co-op option; plus combined Honours programs in Physics and Computer Science and in Chemistry and Physics.
B.Sc. Honours with Thesis Programs
Programs leading to an Honours B.Sc. with Thesis require the completion of forty courses, of which two course credits would result in a thesis in the final year of study.
Honours standing (major G.P.A. of 8.0 of higher) is required for graduation in all B.Sc. with Thesis programs.
In any program some degree of specialization is possible; course selection may provide for further specialization in a single subject or in a combination of related subjects.
Bachelor of Computer Science Programs
Computer Science - Both general and honours programs are offered, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.S.). Each permits the student to augment a specialized study of computers with an extensive study of one of a number of related fields, or with a broad spectrum of other courses. A Co-operative Education program is offered in Honours Computer Science.
Also offered are B.Sc. programs leading to degrees in Computer Information Systems Specialization, or with Software Engineering Specialization.
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Economics - Both general and honours programs are offered leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Combined degrees are also available.
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Economics - Honours program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Economics.
Bachelor of Mathematics
Mathematics and Statistics - Both general and honours programs lead to the Bachelor of Mathematics (B.Math.) degree. Mathematics also may be combined with Computer Science or another major leading to the Honours B.Math. degree.