85-111. Engineering Mechanics I
Statics of particles and rigid bodies; trusses, frames, machines; centroids and centres of gravity; friction. (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week, Credit Weight 4.0:
85-118. Professional Development
The practice of engineering in various disciplines; career development; administrative processes in the profession; ethical considerations; the relationship of engineering to society. Responsibility of professional engineers for public health and safety in the workplace. Fundamentals of expository writing, including types of exposition, planning, organization, format and style, résumé preparation, engineering reports, and other forms of written communication. Assignments using word processing. (2 lecture hours a week.) Credit Weight 2.0:
85-120. Engineering Thermofluids
The Engineering Thermofluids courses examines the fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Students will learn the appropriate terminology and units, the sources of and types of energy and their interchange, the types of fluid flow and heat transfer and the physical and thermal properties of fluids. The course will consider and explain everyday, engineering examples of these systems, as well as demonstrate how to identify, formulate and solve basic problems using the fundamental laws of thermofluids. Laboratory based experiments will be introduced to illustrate these topics in practical situations. (Prior knowledge from Physics I (64-140) is recommended.) (3 lecture, 2 tutorial/laboratory hours per week) Credit Weight 4.0:
85-122. Engineering Mechanics II
Kinematics of particles; kinetics of particles: Newton's Second Law, work-energy and impulse-momentum methods; moments of inertia of areas and masses; kinematics of rigid bodies, plane motion. (3 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.) Credit Weight 4.0:
85-131. Computer-Aided Design
Design project organization, design methodology, needs validation, problem identification and definition, modern problem-solving techniques, effective oral and written communication. Design evaluation using criterion functions. Application to major projects. (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours a week.) Credit Weight 3.0:
85-133. Engineering and Design
The Engineering and Design course is the introductory engineering design course for First Year Engineering students. The course activities are aimed at integrating knowledge regarding information retrieval techniques, problem needs validation, problem identification and formulation, analysis of the problem, and problem solving techniques. Furthermore, the students will brainstorm different solutions for the design problems and will present their ideas through a variety of visual, written, and oral communications. Specifically, they will need to apply what they will be taught in visualization techniques, including but not limited to sketching, isometric drawing and orthographic projection. The students will focus on introductory engineering problems from a variety of disciplines or scenarios as appropriate, and will work in groups to encourage and develop personal, teamwork, leadership, and task completion skills. (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.) Credit Weight 4.5:
85-198. Work Term I
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course may not be allowed to remain in the co-op program.)
85-211. Computer-Aided Analysis II (To be discontinued Winter 2012)
Introduction to object oriented programming using C++. Numerical schemes including: Gauss-Jordan Method for solving Linear Simultaneous Algebraic Equations; Matrix inversion; Root finding using the Newton-Raphson and the half-interval methods; Lin-Bairstow method for Roots of Polynomials; Least-squares fitting; Numerical Integration using the Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rule; Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of any order using Euler, Improved Euler and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods. Class development in C++ for numerical schemes covered in the course. (Prerequisite: 85-132, or 60-141.) (Corequisite: 62-216) (3 lecture, 1.5 tutorial hours a week.) Credit Weight 3.75:
85-212. Thermodynamics I
An introductory thermodynamics course in which fundamental principles are developed. Included are ideal gas relations, properties of pure substances, First Law for closed and steady flow systems, the Second Law with entropy relations, and an introduction to cycles. (3 lecture, 1.5 tutorial hours a week.) (Prerequisite: 85-120) Credit Weight 3.75:
85-214. Circuit Analysis II (To be discontinued Winter 2012)
Inductance, capacitance and mutual inductance; natural response of first-order RL and RC circuits; natural and step response of RLC circuits; state equation formulation, numerical solutions; sinusoidal steady-state analysis; sinusoidal steady state power calculations; balanced three-phase circuits; unbalanced three-phase transient analysis; Fourier series; discrete Fourier transform; frequency domain analysis; network simulations using SPICE and MATLAB. (Prerequisite: 85-124.) (3 lecture, 1.5 laboratory/tutorial hours or equivalent a week.) Credit Weight 3.75:
85-218. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
An introduction to stress, strain, and stress-strain relations, mechanical properties and types of loads. A study of members subjected to axial load, flexure, and torsion, including flexure and deflection of beams, eccentric loads, connections, experimental determination of principal stresses, and buckling of columns. Additional topics may include statically indeterminate problems and inelastic responses. (Prerequisites: 85-111 and 62-140.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours per week.) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-218 and 85-217, or 85-218 and 87-227.) Credit Weight 4.5:
85-219. Introduction to Engineering Materials
This course explains how the properties of solid materials are derived and are related to their basic crystallographic and electronic structures: Metals, ceramics, polymers, and electronic materials are covered. (3 lecture, 2 laboratory or tutorial hours a week.) Credit Weight 4.0:
85-220. Numerical Analysis for Engineering
Application of numerical methods to real-world engineering problems. Development of mathematical background for numerical techniques. Root finding; numerical linear algebra; curve fitting; numerical quadrature; numerical solution to ordinary differential equations. (Prerequisite: 85-232.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory or tutorial hours a week.)
85-222. Engineering Treatment of Experimental Data
Treatment of engineering data using the concepts of frequency distribution; measures of central tendency and dispersion. Probability; random variables; discrete and continuous distributions. Tests of hypotheses; estimation; goodness-of-fit test; linear regression and correlation. Applications using computers in engineering design problems, quality control, and manufacturing processes. (Prerequisite: 62-140.) (3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.) Credit Weight 3.5:
85-224. Technical Communications
Effective oral communication techniques and approaches, including informative presentations, persuasive presentations, and the use of visual aids (computer projected/slides) for conveying technical/engineering information. Written engineering communication including: abstracts, formal letters, figures, tables, references, proposals and technical reports. Introduction to literature research techniques. The main objective is to introduce consciousness and clarity into all forms of communications. (2 lecture, 1 tutorial hours a week.) Credit Weight 2.5:
85-230. Advanced Engineering and Design
Computer aided design applications for engineering graphic communication, building on concepts undertaken in Engineering and Design, such as orthographic projection; isometric drawing sections and conventions; dimensioning; engineering drawings and prints; and descriptive geometry. Advanced use of computer graphics, with optional topics such as geometric tolerancing and information systems. (1 lecture hour, 3 laboratory hours a week.) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-130 and 85-230.) Credit Weight 2.5:
85-232 Engineering Software Fundamentals
Fundamental engineering problems and the application of digital computers to analyze these problems. Introduction to additional programming languages and computing concepts, and emphasizing the use of MATLAB in engineering computations (2 lecture, 2 tutorial hours a week.) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-232 and 85-132.) Credit Weight 3.0:
85-233. Fluid Mechanics I
Fluid properties and basic concepts, fluid statics, equations of motion, one dimensional flows, flows in pipes in series, parallel and networks, dimensional analysis and similitude. (3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.) (Prerequisite: 85-120) Credit Weight 3.5:
85-234 Electrical and Computing Fundamentals
Electric charge, electric fields and potentials; conduction, resistivity, circuit variables, ideal sources and components; diodes; simple resistive circuits; techniques of circuit analysis, mesh and node analysis; network theorems, Thevenin and Norton theorems; source transformations; operational amplifiers, circuits, analysis and applications; inductance, capacitance; computer-oriented solution methods using SPICE and MATLAB. This course is for non-electrical engineering students. (3 lecture, 2.0 laboratory/tutorial hours or equivalent a week.) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-234 and 88-124 or 85-234 and 85-124.) Credit Weight 4.0.
[Note as of Winter 2012: Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-234 and 85/88-124 or 85-234 and 85/88-214]
85-250. Engineering and the Environment
Introduction to: pollutants, natural cycles, natural energy use, human population and consumption, common environmental problems, effects on human health. Dimensions of environmental contamination and flow. Pollution Prevention: waste audits, mass balances (open and closed systems, with and without chemical change), waste reduction, industrial ecology, and design for the environment. Conversion of energy and efficiency. Energy: world consumption, sources and their potential, environmental effects. Occupational health and safety. Environmental legislation. Sustainability. (Prerequisite: 59-110.) (Anti-requisite: 93-224) (Credit cannot be obtained for both 85-250 and 93-224.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours or equivalent a week.) Credit Weight 4.0:
85-298. Work Term II
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course may not be allowed to remain in the co-op program.)
85-313. Engineering Economics
Cost estimation, cost accounting, and cost control. Comparison of engineering alternatives by annual cost, present worth, and rate of return methods. Depreciation and taxes. Equipment replacement. (3 lecture, 1.5 tutorial hours a week.) Credit Weight 3.75:
85-398. Work Term III
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course may not be allowed to remain in the co-op program.)
85-421. Engineering and Society
The technology-society relationship in a historical context; the nature of technological change and its consequences; the engineer's role in the control of technology and sustainable development; the responsibility of engineers for health and safety in the workplace, including OHSA, WHMIS. The development of the engineering profession; professional registration and the code of ethics; the duties and responsibilities of engineers; the engineer and the law. (Restricted to fourth-year students.) (3 lecture hours a week.) Credit Weight 3.0:
85-498. Work Term IV
Supervised experience in an approved career-related setting with a focus on the application of theory and the development of transferable skills. The co-op work experience is designed to provide students with an enriched learning opportunity to integrate academic theory and concepts in an applied setting. (Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in a co-operative education program. Offered on a Pass/non-Pass basis. Supervised practicum requires the successful completion of a minimum of 420 hours. Students who do not pass the course may not be allowed to remain in the co-op program.)