Fall 2018 Undergraduate Calendar


Honours Environmental Science without Thesis
Honours Environmental Science with Thesis
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies
Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Science (IAS) - Earth and Environmental Sciences
Minor in Earth Science
Minor in Environmental Science
Minor in Geography


BSc Honours Environmental Science (without thesis)

Degree Requirements:

Total courses: forty

(a) 55-210, 55-237, 66-102, 66-141, 66-202, 66-216, 66-224, 66-230, 66-232, and 66-380, plus ten additional courses from: 55-325, 55-430, 55-437, 55-444, 55-445, 55-486, 66-221, 66-305, 66-316, 66-320, 66-328, 66-330, 66-370, 66-402, 66-410, 66-415, 66-436, 66-437, 66-440, 66-441.
(b) 55-140, 55-141, 59-140, 59-141, 62-140 (or 62-139), 65-205, 66-140, 66-300.
(c) Twelve additional courses. Minimum of four courses from the Faculty of Science and a minimum of two courses from any area of study other than Science.

Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirement (a), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study.

First Year: ten courses, including 55-140, 55-141, 59-140, 59-141, 62-140 (or 62-139), 65-205, 66-140, 66-141
Second Year: ten courses, including 55-210, 55-237, 66-102, 66-202, 66-224, 66-230, 66-232
Third and Fourth Years: twenty courses, including 66-216, 66-300, 66-380, and ten additional courses from 55-325, 55-430, 55-437, 55-444, 55-445, 55-486, 66-221, 66-305, 66-316, 66-328, 66-330, 66-370, 66-402, 66-410, 66-415, 66-436, 66-437, 66-440, and 66-441.

BSc Honours Environmental Science (with Thesis)

Degree Requirements:

Total courses: forty

(a) 55-210, 55-237, 66-102, 66-141, 66-202, 66-216, 66-224, 66-230, 66-232, 66-380, and 66-499 plus eight additional courses from: 55-325, 55-430, 55-437, 55-444, 55-445, 55-486, 66-221, 66-305, 66-316, 66-328, 66-330, 66-370, 66-402, 66-410, 66-415, 66-436, 66-437, 66-440, 66-441.
(b) 55-140, 55-141, 59-140, 59-141, 62-140 (or 62-139), 65-205, 66-140, 66-300.
(c) Twelve additional courses. Minimum of four courses from the Faculty of Science and a minimum of two courses from any area of study other than Science.

Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirement (a), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study.

First Year: ten courses, including 55-140, 55-141, 59-140, 59-141, 62-140 (or 62-139), 65-205, 66-140, 66-141
Second Year: ten courses, including 55-210, 55-237, 66-102, 66-202, 66-224, 66-230, 66-232
Third and Fourth Years: twenty courses, including 66-216, 66-300, 66-380, 66-499 and eight additional courses from 55-325, 55-430, 55-437, 55-444, 55-445, 55-486, 66-221, 66-305, 66-316, 66-320, 66-328, 66-330, 66-370, 66-402, 66-410, 66-415, 66-436, 66-437, 66-440, and 66-441.

Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES)
This program is truly interdisciplinary in approach and will introduce students to the social, cultural, economic, political, legal, and ethical factors affecting human interaction with the environment while at the same time ensuring they acquire a basic literacy in the physical and biological sciences. Graduates will understand the human dimensions of environmental issues and will be knowledgeable, skilled individuals capable of analyzing complex human-environmental situations and formulating effective political and social strategies to address human impact.

Degree Requirements:

Total Courses: forty.

(a) 34-227 or 34-228, 34-323 or 48-227, 45-212, 48-340 or 45-249, 55-101 or 55-140, 58-100, 58-210, 66-100, 66-102, 66-141, 66-200, 66-213, 66-215, 66-216, 66-246, 66-332, 66-334, 99-218
(b) eight courses from one of the following areas of concentration: Resource Management or Environmental Values and Policy.
(c) 02-250, 45-120, 48-110, 48-308
(d) ten courses from any area of study, including either Area of Concentration.

Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirements (a) and (b), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study.

Area of Concentration: Resource Management

At least 3 of the following must be taken: 66-220, 66-221, 66-230, 66-316, 66-381, 66-402

27-385. Green Corridor
34-329. Animals and Ethics
45-335. Political Geography
45-249. Political Economy of Agriculture and Food
48-340. Food and Global Sustainability
55-141. Cell Biology
55-208. Plants and Society
58-470. Special Topics in Environmental Studies
58-480. Environmental Research/Leadership Experience
58-499. Environmental Studies Research Project
59-201. Chemistry in the Marketplace
64-203. Physics and Society –The Present
66-140. Introduction to Earth Science
66-201. Science, Technology and Society
66-210. Introduction to Oceanography
66-214. Geology and International Development
66-220. Climatology
66-221. Environmental Geomorphology
66-230. Hydrology
66-247. Environmental Auditing in Mineral Resource Development
66-316. Environmental Modelling and Decision Analysis
66-381. Field Measurement and Mapping Techniques
66-370. Climate Change
66-402. Remote Sensing
75-100. Introduction to Business

Area of Concentration: Environmental Values and Policy

27-385. Green Corridor
34-227. Environmental Ethics
34-228. Technology, Human Values and the Environment
34-323. Human Rights and Global Justice
34-329. Animals and Ethics
34-330. Environmental Philosophy
45-160. Introduction to International Relations
45-213. Public Opinion, Mass Media and Canadian Democracy
45-214. Legal Process in Canada
45-220. Introduction to Public Administration
45-221. Canadian Public Administration and Policy
45-335. Political Geography
45-249. Political Economy of Agriculture and Food
45-268. International Organization
45-275. Introduction to Research Methods
45-326. Local Government
45-360. International Conflict and its Resolution
45-363. Principles of International Law
48-227. Globalization, Development, and Social Change
48-327. Social Movements
48-340. Food and Global Sustainability
48-352. Citizenship, Rights, and Social Justice
53-320. Women, Power, and Environments (also offered as 48-353)
58-470. Special Topics in Environmental Studies
58-480. Environmental Research/Leadership Experience
58-499. Environmental Studies Research Project
66-381. Field Measurement and Mapping Techniques
75-100. Introduction to Business

Students may take courses from both Areas of Concentration, but at least eight courses must be taken in one of the Areas of Concentration.

If both 34-227 and 34-228 are taken, one course fulfills requirement (a) and the other course contributes to the Environmental Values and Policy Area of Concentration.
If both 34-232 and 48-227 are taken, one course fulfills requirement (a) and the other course contributes to the Environmental Values and Policy Area of Concentration.
If both 45-249 and 48-340 are taken, one course fulfills requirement (a) and the other course contributes to either the Resource Management or the Environmental Values and Policy Area of Concentration.

Major and Minor Concentrations - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Science (IAS) - Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Concentration: 66-140, 66-141, and ten additional 66-XXX courses, except for 66-110, 66-111, 66-201, 66-210, or 66-213. A minimum of three 66-2XX, two 66-3XX and one 66-4XX courses is required.

Minor Concentration: 66-140, 66-141, and four additional 66-XXX courses, except for 66-110, 66-111, 66-201, 66-210, or 66-213.

Minor in Earth Science

A minor in Earth Science consists of a total of six courses as follows:
(a) 66-140
(b) 66-141 (if not enrolled in a program that includes 66-141 as a course used to calculate the major average)
(c) courses chosen from the following list to make up a total of six courses for the minor: 66-100, 66-112, 66-202, 66-215, 66-216, 66-221, 66-224, 66-230, 66-231, 66-232, 66-305, 66-327, 66-436.
A minimum average of 60% must be attained for all courses counted toward the minor.

Minor in Environmental Science

A minor in Environmental Science consists of a total of six courses as follows:
(a) 66-141
(b) 55-140 (if not enrolled in a program that includes 55-140 as a course used to calculate the major average);
(c) courses chosen from the following list to make up a total of six courses for the minor: 66-100, 66-102, 66-202, 66-210, 66-216, 66-221, 66-224, 66-230, 66-232, 66-305, 66-316, 66-320, 66-328, 66-330, 66-370, 66-380, 66-402, 66-410, 66-415, 66-436, 66-437, 66-440, 66-441.
A minimum average of 60% must be attained for all courses counted toward the minor.

Minor in Geography
(Administered by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)

A minor in Geography consists of six courses selected from the following list: (a) 45-120, 45-249, 45-335, 45-440, 58-100 or 58-110, 58-210, 66-100, 66-102, 66-200, 66-215, 66-216, 66-220, 66-221, 66-230, 66-316, 66-332, 66-334, 66-370, 66-381, 66-402.

At least one course must be taken from 45-249, 45-335, 58-100 or 58-110, and 58-210. Only two courses can be taken from 66-102, 66-220 and 66-370.
A minimum average of 60% must be attained for all courses counted toward the minor.