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Undergraduate Calendar
Winter 2009

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Political Science 45-100, 45-130, and 45-160 are required of all general and four-year Honours students. It is recommended that these be taken in the first year or as corequisite with 200-level courses. Four-year Honours students are advised where possible to complete 02-250 and 45-275 during their second year. Non-majors wishing to do particular courses as options may do so except where specific prerequisites are stated. Not all courses will necessarily be offered each year. All courses are three hours a week unless otherwise indicated.

45-100. Introduction to Canadian Government and Politics
An introduction to the politics and government of Canada. The course will focus on political culture, the constitution, federalism, the executive, parliament, public service, courts, political parties, interest groups, and elections. (3 lecture hours or 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.)

45-130. Comparative Politics in a Changing World
Introduces students to issues such as democracy, authoritarianism, nationalism, political culture, and how political power is organized. The course focuses on the democratic states of the West, but also examines non-democratic states such as China and the transitional democracies of Eastern Europe. (3 lecture hours or 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.)

45-160. Issues in World Politics
An examination of competing perspectives on international relations and of such critical themes as power, security, war, imperialism, nationalism, interdependence, development and underdevelopment, human rights, environmental concerns, and the quest for a new world order. (3 lecture hours or 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.)

45-170. Introduction to Diaspora Studies: There's No Place Like Home
This course introduces students to diasporas-scattered populations living in exile from their ancestral homelands. The course focuses on the significance of migration, exile, belonging, and nostalgia (for ancestral homelands) for diasporas throughout the world. Students submit projects (incorporating oral histories, for example) on the diaspora of their choice.

45-201. Current Issues in Canadian Politics
An examination of one or more current issues in Canadian politics, for example, energy and resources, the environment, native peoples, aging, women's rights, urban problems, and health care.

45-211. Women and Politics
An introduction to the principal themes in the study of women in Canadian politics. Topics may include: feminist theory, women in Canadian political institutions, the status of women in the Canadian economy, and gender equality rights in the Charter.

45-212. Environmental Policy and Politics
The course examines the domestic and international context of environmental policy-making in Canada. Topics examined may include global warming, Great Lakes pollution, and endangered species.

45-213. Public Opinion, Mass Media and Canadian Democracy
An evaluation of the relationship between public opinion and democratic politics, how opinions, beliefs and attitudes are shaped by the family, educational system, peer groups, and in particular, mass media. Particular attention will be devoted to the role of the mass media in influencing public opinion and public policy.

45-214. Legal Process in Canada
An introduction to the legal system in Canada, including the sources of Canadian law, the general concepts of constitutional and administrative law, the court structure, and the place of the law and the courts in the community. (Also offered as Law 99-110.)

45-220. Introduction to Public Administration
An introductory examination of the major developments in private and public administrative and management theory and practice. Includes institutional structure, crown corporations, regulatory agencies,
personnel, and financial management. Both federal and provincial problems are examined. (Prerequisite: 45-100 or consent of instructor.)

45-221. Canadian Public Administration and Policy
An introduction to the processes of public policy formation in Canada. Includes an analysis of political/bureaucratic relationships, decision making theory, and the role of interest groups in the context of selected contemporary policy issues. (Prerequisite: 45-220 or consent of instructor.)

45-232. Government and Politics of the United States
The organization and structure of national government in the United States, with emphasis upon congressional/executive relationships, political parties, and the electoral process.

45-233. Politics of the Developing World
An examination of the politics of developing areas, with a focus on economic and political development, ethnic conflict and the role of overseas development assistance in building government institutions. In given years, emphasis may be on Africa, Asia or Latin America and the Caribbean.

45-237. Political Geography of Russia and the Former Soviet Republics
An overview of the physical, cultural, historical, and political forces shaping the region and aspects of internal and international politics in the region. (Also offered as Geography 42-312.) (3 lecture hours a week.)

45-238. Political Geography
A systematic examination of the relationship between politics, power, and geography, with focus on the political meanings, uses, and representations of geographic space. Focus will be on major concepts within geography, such as scale, territory, and place, and the significance of geography for understanding the organization and exercise of political power.

45-241. Contemporary African Politics
Characteristic domestic and international problems of African states south of the Sahara, including resource scarcity, ethnic diversity, political stability, and relations with the Great Powers.

45-244. Government and Politics in Europe
Examines contemporary issues such as democratic development, nationalism, and regionalism, immigration and racism, the status of women, social welfare programs, and the consolidation and expansion of the European Union.

45-249. Political Economy of Agrictulture and Food
Study of the physical, cultural, economic, and political factors influencing the spatial patterns and regional problems of world agriculture. (3 lecture hours a week.) (Also offered in Geography 42-249.)

45-251. Classical Political Thought
An introduction to the history of political thought from the ancient Greeks to the end of the Middle Ages. Topics may include human nature, justice, natural law, and the relationship between Church and State.

45-252. Modern Political Thought
Toward the new science of politics from Machiavelli to Rousseau and the French Revolution.

45-255. Music, Policy, and the State
A comparative analysis of issues raised by the state's role in the production, distribution, and performance of music. Examines the political and social uses and consequences of music including censorship, artistic freedom, ideological domination, group conflict, economic development, and marketplace regulation. The focus will be on popular music forms such as rock, rap, hip hop, folk, reggae, country, jazz, blues and others as suggested by students. (45-100, or consent of instructor.)

45-260. Politics, History, and Asian Religions
An introduction to Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto, with attention to their role in history and politics. (Also offered as Oriental Studies 10-317.)

45-261. Politics, History, and Western Religions
An introduction to Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, and BaHai, with attention to their role in history and politics.

45-264. Introduction to Canadian Foreign Policy
An overview of the formulation and trends of Canadian foreign policy from World War I to the present, together with an examination of the domestic and external determinants of Canadian foreign policy and of the foreign policy making process. (Prerequisite: 45-100, or 45-160, or consent of instructor.)

45-267. Strategic Studies
An examination of the theories, tools, and concepts that explain war and how international violence can be used for political ends. The focus will be primarily on the modern state system, especially on the post-WWII environment. Among topics to be addressed are theories of war, deterrence, arms control, the "democratic peace" thesis, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of the instructor.)

45-268. International Organizations
An introduction to the problems and possibilities of international co-operation and global governance among states and non-state actors. The course will provide a survey of various international organizations. These may include the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, and NAFTA. The role of non-governmental organizations in world politics is also examined. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-275. Introduction to Research Methods
Introduces students to quantitative and qualitative social research. Looks at how surveys and focus groups are used and abused for political and commercial purposes. Examines what field and archival research can teach us about human behaviour and social, political, and economic trends. (Prerequisite: 02-250.)

45-288. Selected Topics: Current Political Issues
Selected topics based on current political issues. Topics may vary from year to year. (May be repeated for credit if topics vary.)

45-309. Canadian Provincial Government
A comparative study of provincial governments and politics in Canada including an examination of the powers exercised by provinces, the institutions of provincial government and the behaviour of provincial electorates and politicians. In given terms, Ontario, Quebec, the Atlantic or the Western provinces may be given particular attention. (Prerequisite: 45-100 or consent of instructor.)

45-313. Federalism and Federal-Provincial Relations
The theory and practice of contemporary federalism and the roles played by the federal and provincial governments in the Canadian policy process. Topics may include the division of powers in the Canadian Constitution, the evolution of Canadian Federalism, the impact of the Quebec issue on Canadian politics, and intergovernmental relations. (Prerequisite: 45-100 or consent of instructor.)

45-314. Constitutional Law and Politics in Canada
The nature and purpose of constitution and major issues in Canadian constitutional politics. Topics may include judicial review, the development of human rights law in Canada, the impact of the Charter of Rights on Canadian politics and government, and the Meech Lake and Charlottetown constitutional accords. (Prerequisite: 45-100 or consent of instructor.)

45-320. Political Parties and Elections
An analysis of the development and functions of parties and of the social, psychological, and political influences on voting in Canada.

45-321. The Legislative Process
An introduction to representative democracy, parliamentary behaviour, and legislative process. May include role-playing exercises and a simulation of the Federal House of Commons.

45-323. Government and Business
An introduction to the intricate relationship of government to business. Included are: government services to business; business and policy development; and regulation and/or de-regulation and regulatory agencies. (Prerequisite: 45-100 or consent of instructor.)

45-326. (Municipal) Urban Administration
A study of administrative structures and the principles of administrative organization in local government including budgetary systems, personnel management, the conduct of public relations, and the application of systems methods. (Prerequisites: 45-220 and 45-221, or consent of instructor.)

45-329. Public Personnel Management
An introduction to personnel management under a merit system including the roles of public service commissions (recruitment, training, career development, dismissal) and public sector labour relations agencies (collective bargaining); political rights, employment equity. (Prerequisites: 45-220 and 45-221, or consent of instructor.)

45-346. Asian Government and Politics
Comparative analysis of institutions and political processes of Southeast Asia, South Asia, China, or Japan.

45-351. Community and Power in Modern European Thought
An exploration of the subject of community and power in European thought between 1850 and the late twentieth century. Special attention will be paid to Marxism/Leninism, elitist theory, fascism, and structuralism/poststructuralism. (Also offered as History 43-326.)

45-354. Political Problems of Economic Development
The course takes a comprehensive approach to the study of economic development, drawing connections between theory (including development paradigms) and practice. In given years, the focus may be on South-East Asia, Central Asia, Africa, China, Eastern Europe, or Latin America. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-355. Political Economy of International Trade
An examination of the most prevalent dilemmas facing the global trading system. The main focus is on the World Trade Organization and its global agreements on goods, agriculture, services and intellectual property. Additional topics include regional trade blocs, international trade in money, foreign direct investment, and environmental and labour issues. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-356. Theories of International Political Economy
An examination of the major theoretical perspectives in the field of international political economy. This course will cover both classical and modern theories, including mercantilism, liberalism, Marxism, feminism and post-modernism. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of Instructor.)

45-360. International Conflict and Its Resolution
The nature of conflict and how it is managed in the international community; explicit and tacit bargaining strategies and techniques of conflict resolution. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-361. U.S. Foreign Policy
The United States policy-making process and the substance of policy in relation to the former communist world, developing countries, and allies such as Canada and Western Europe. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-363. Principles of International Law
An introduction to the role of international law in international relations, this course will consider the role of justice in the international system and will examine the basic principles of modern international law, including sources, subjects, and procedures. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-365. The Politics of the Middle East
The nature and causes of the various conflicts in the region, the role of outside powers and international organizations, and the prospects for conflict resolution. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-367 The Politics of the European Union
Examines the development and operation of the European Union. Key issues on the agenda of the European Union are examined, including: the introduction of the single currency; the development of a common foreign and security policy; and the possible enlargement of the European Union. The extent to which the European Union challenges existing state structures is examined throughout the course.

45-370. Africa and the African Diaspora
The course explores the experiences and relationships that Africans, Afro-Caribbeans, Black-Canadians, and African-Americans have with their host countries and their ancestral homeland-Africa. Topics may include the myth of a monolithic African Diaspora, slavery (forced migrations), exile, colonialism, Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism, "Back to Africa" movements, and multiple interpretations of Blackness. (Prerequisite: 45-170.)

45-371. Millenarian Movements
This course focuses on religious and political movements that anticipate an imminent end to the current order, and the initiation of the millennium (for example, the Nation of Islam, National Socialism, Christian Identity), and the impact of these groups on society.

45-372. Religious Fundamentalism and Politics
A study of the modern concept of religious fundamentalism, with case studies of the interface of fundamentalism and politics in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

45-373. Islam and Politics
The course develops an understanding of the complex relationship between Islam and politics in both historical and contemporary settings as well as an awareness of the diversity of interpretations among Islamic thinkers and activists concerning the political nature and role of Islam. Topics include the notion of an Islamic state, jihad, Shari'a, the interaction between Islam/Islamism and democracy, human rights, nationalism, international relations.

45-379. Politics and Culture
An examination of political themes as reflected in different forms of popular culture, including cinema and the media. Topics may include: war and cinema, and how commercial interests are portrayed in mass media. While the course may focus on different forms of cultural expression, the emphasis will be on understanding and evaluating how politically relevant themes are influenced and shaped for the mass public.

45-399. Practicum in Government and Politics
Practical work in the office of an elected or appointed official, with oral and written reports to the supervising faculty member. (To be taken only with permission of instructor and a program advisor in Political Science.)

45-411. Canadian Politics: Participation and Processes
A review of current literature on topics that may include parties, elections, voting behaviour, pressure groups, representation, new social movements, public opinion, and ideologies. (Admission by consent of instructor.)

45-412. Canadian Federalism
A review of current literature and development on such topics as federalism, intergovernmental relations, and the role of Quebec. (Admission by consent of instructor.)

45-421. Seminar in Canadian Public Policy
A detailed analysis of the Canadian public policy process. (Admission by consent of the instructor.)

45-422. Seminar in Public Policy Analysis
A survey of the evaluative side of public policy including formulation, adoption, program operations and evaluation techniques. (Admission by consent of the instructor.)

45-431. Seminar in Comparative Politics
A comparative examination of national political systems emphasizing areas such as political culture, political parties, elites, and interest groups. In given terms, the focus may be on industrialized or developing countries. (Admission by consent of the instructor.)

45-434. Seminar in Politics of the United States
An analysis of selected topics in United States politics and government. May include an examination of foreign perspectives on U.S. politics, Canadian-U.S. relations, parties and elections, civil liberties and civil rights, or other important topics in United States politics. (Admission by consent of instructor.)

45-451. Seminar in Contemporary Political Theory
An examination of selected topics in political theory, with special emphasis on the literature of the twentieth century. (Admission by consent of the instructor.)

45-461. Seminar in Theories of International Relations
A survey of competing perspectives and approaches employed in the contemporary study of international relations. (Admission by consent of the instructor.)

45-462. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research in International Relations
A research oriented seminar that will encourage the use of interdisciplinary perspectives in the examination of selected problems in international relations. (Admission by consent of instructor.)

45-464. International Political Economy
An overview of the major theoretical perspectives and issues in international political economy. Issues addressed may include: international trade, foreign investment and multinational corporations, international monetary institutions, and crisis and change in the international system. (Prerequisite: 45-160 or consent of instructor.)

45-465. Globalization and the State
A critical overview of the major theoretical perspectives and debates regarding the role of and implications for the state within globalization processes. Specific topics addressed may include changes in the nature of state sovereignty, the creation and regulation of a global economy, and cultural change and resistance. (Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.)

45-470. Human Rights in a Global Context
This course provides an insight into international Human Rights (HR) concepts, their theoretical/legal framework, and their applicability in today's world, as well as an awareness of some of the relevant themes and debates surrounding HR issues. Themes include the philosophical foundations of HR, promotion or violation of HR, and HR in the world of politics, universality versus cultural relativism, and the possible dichotomy between individual and collective or group rights.

45-488. Selected Topics in Political Science
Topics of current interest which may vary from year to year. (May be repeated for credit with the permission of a program advisor in Political Science.)

45-492. Public Service Management Internship Practicum
Supervised work experience in a public service management environment. (Admission only by consent of program advisor.) (Offered on a Pass/Non-pass basis only.) (Must be taken concurrently with 45-493.)

45-493. Public Service Management Internship Seminar
A critical examination of selected theories and concepts applicable to research and management practices in the public sector. (Admission by consent of a program advisor.) (Must be taken concurrently with 45-492.).

45-499. Directed Reading in an Approved Special Field
Intended for students with special interest in areas not covered in sufficient depth by other courses. (To be taken only with permission of instructor and a program advisor in Political Science.)