Winter 2009 Undergraduate Calendar

Programs (Listed Alphabetically)

The University offers the following General and Honours programs. Minors are also offered in most areas of study.
[Programs with a Co-op option are identified in the list.]

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Anthropology (BA)
Anthropology (BA Honours)
Anthropology (BA Honours Combined Program)
Art History/Visual Culture (BA)
See also Visual Arts
Arts and Science (BAS Honours)

Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience (BSc Honours)
See also Biological Sciences
See also Psychology
Biochemistry (BSc Honours)
Biochemistry (BSc Honours with Thesis)
Biochemistry (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Biochemistry and Biotechnology (BSc Honours)
Biological Sciences (BSc Honours)
Biological Sciences (BSc Honours with Thesis)
Biological Sciences (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Biological Sciences and Computer Science (BSc Honours)
Biology and Biotechnology (BSc Honours)
Business Administration (BComm Honours)
Business Administration (BComm Honours) (Co-op)
Business Administration and Computer Science (BComm Honours)
Business Administration and Computer Science (BComm Honours) (Co-op)
Business Administration and Economics (BComm Honours)
Business Administration for University Graduates (BComm)
Business Studies - Accounting Track (for qualified graduates of CAATs) (BBS)
See also International Business
See also Law/Master of Business Administration (Integrated LLB/MBA program)


Chemistry (BSc Honours)
Chemistry (BSc Honours with Thesis)
Chemistry (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Chemistry and Physics (BSc Honours)
Chemistry and Physics (BSc Honour with Thesis)
Child Psychology (BA)
See also Developmental Psychology
See also Psychology
Civil Engineering (BASc) (Co-op)
Classical Civilization (BA)
Classical Civilization (BA Honours Combined Program)
Classical Civilization (Greek or Latin Option) (BA Honours)
Communication Studies (BA)
Communication Studies (BA Honours)
Comunication Studies (BA Honours Combined Program)
See also Drama and Communication Studies
See also Visual Arts and Communication Studies
Computer Science (BCS)
Computer Science (BCs Honours Applied Computing)
Computer Science (BCS Honours) (Co-op)
Computer Science (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Computer Information Systems (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
Computer Science for University Graduates (BCS)
Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
See also Biological Sciences and Computer Science
See also Mathematics and Computer Science
See also Physics and Computer Science
Criminology (BA Honours)
Criminology (BA Honours Combined Program)

Developmental Psychology (BA Honours)
Developmental Psychology (BA Honours with Thesis)
Developmental Psychology (BA Honours Combined Program)
Developmental Psychology (BA Honours with Thesis Combined Program)
See also Psychology
Diaspora Studies (BA Honours Combined Program)
See also Social Work and Diaspora Studies
Disability Studies(BA Honours)
See also Social Work and Psychology
Discovery Program (Undeclared Major)
Drama (BA)
Drama (BA Honours)
Drama (BA Honours Combined Program)
Drama and Communication Studies (BA Honours)
Drama in Education and Community (BA Honours)
Dramatic Art: Acting (BFA Honours)

Earth Sciences (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Economics (BA)
Economics (BA Honours)
Economics (BSc Honours)
Economics (BA Honours Combined Program)
Education (BEd)
Education - Concurrent French Studies/Bachelor of Education (BA/BEd) (BA Honours/BEd)
Education - Concurrent Mathematics/Bachelor of Education (BMath/BEd) (BMath Honours/BEd)
Education - Concurrent General Science/Bachelor of Education (BSc/BEd)
Education - Concurrent BA/Bachelor of Education/Diploma in Early Childhood Education (BA/BEd/ECE)
Education - Concurrent BMath/Bachelor of Education/Diploma in Early Childhood Education (BMath/BEd/ECE)
Education - Concurrent BSc/Bachelor of Education/Diploma in Early Childhood Education (BSc/BEd/ECE)
Education (BEd)/Diploma in Technological Education
Electrical Engineering (BASc) (Co-op)
English Language and Literature (BA)
English Language and Literature (BA Honours)
English Language and Literature (BA Honours Combined Program)
English Literature and Creative Writing (BA Honours)
English Literature and Creative Writing (BA Honours Combined Program)
Environmental Biology (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
See also Biological Sciences
Environmental Engineering (BASc) (Co-op)
Environmental Geoscience (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
Environmental Geoscience (BSc Honours with Thesis) (Co-op)
Environmental Science (BSc Honours)
Environmental Science (BSc Honours with Thesis)
Environmental Studies (BES Honours)

Family and Social Relations (BA)
Family and Social Relations (BA Honours)
Family and Social Relations (BA Honours Combined Program)
Forensic Science (BFS Honours)
Forensics and Criminology (BA Honours)
French Studies (BA)
French Studies (BA Honours)
French Studies (BA Honours Combined Program)
See also Education - Concurrent BA in French Studies/Bachelor of Education

General Science (BSc)
General Science (Degree Completion Program) (BSc)
See also Education - Concurrent BSc (General Science)/Bachelor of Education
General Science/Medical Laboratory Science Diploma (BSc Concurrent Program)
Geoinformatics (BSc Honours)
Geology (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
Geology (BSc Honours with Thesis) (Co-op)
Geography (see Physcial Geography)

History (BA)
History (BA Honours)
History (BA Honours Combined Program)

Industrial Engineering (General Option) (BASc) (Co-op)
Industrial Engineering with Automotive Manufacturing Systems Engineering Option (BASc) (Co-op)
Industrial Engineering with Minor in Business Administration (BASc) (Co-op)
Industrial Engineering with Supply Chain Engineering Option (BASc) (Co-op)
Interdisciplinary Studies (BA)
Inter-Faculty Programs (includes Arts and Science(BAS), Environmental Studies (BES),
Forensic Science (BFS) and Forensics and Criminology (BA Honours)
Intellectual Property Law
International Business (BComm Honours)
International Relations and Development Studies (BA Honours)

Kinesiology - Sport Management (BHK Honours) Co-op)
Kinesiology - Movement Science (BHK Honours) (Co-op)
Kinesiology - Sport Studies (BHK Honours) (Co-op)

Labour Studies (BA)
Labour Studies (BA Honours Combined Program)
Language and Logic (BA Honours Combined Program)
Law (LLB)
Law/Doctor of Jurisprudence (Joint JD/LLB program)
Law/Master of Business Administration (Integrated LLB/MBA program)
Liberal and Professional Studies (BA)

Mathematics (BMath)
Mathematics (BMath Honours)
Mathematics (BMath Honours Combined Program)
Mathematics and Computer Science (BMath Honours)
Mathematics and Statistics (BMath Honours)
See also Education - Concurrent BMath/Bachelor of Education
See also Education - Concurrent BMath/Bachelor of Education/Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Mechanical Engineering (General Option) (BASc) (Co-op)
Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Option (BASc) (Co-op)
Mechanical Engineering with Engineering Materials Option (BASc) (Co-op)
Mechanical Engineering with Environmental Option (BASc) (Co-op)
Modern Languages (BA)
Modern Languages (BA Combined Program)
Modern Languages (BA Honours Combined Program)
Modern Languages with Two Language Options (BA Honours Combined Program)
Modern Languages and Second-Language Education (BA Honours)
Modern Languages and Second-Language Education with Two Languages Options (BA Honours)
Music (BA Honours)
Music (BA Honours Combined Program)
Music (BMus Honours)
Music Therapy (BMusTh Honours)
Music Therapy and Social Work (BMus Th Honours and BSW)
See also Social Work

Nursing - Collaborative BScN Program
Nursing - Post-Diploma BScN Program
Nursing - Primary Health Care Nurse Certificate
See also Certificate programs

Operational Research (BOR Honours) (Co-op)

Philosophy (BA)
Philosophy (BA Honours)
Philosophy (BA Honours Combined Program)
Physical Geography (BSc Honours)
Physics (BSc Honours Combined Program)
Physics and Computer Science (BSc Honours)
Physics and High Technology (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
Physics and High Technology (Medical Physics) (BSc Honours) (Co-op)
Physics and High Technology (BSc Honours) (Fast-Track option)
Physics and High Technology for Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduates (BSc Honours)
See also Chemistry and Physics
Political Science (BA)
Political Science (BA Honours)
Political Science (BA Honours Combined Program)
Psychology (BA)
Psychology (BA Honours)
Psychology (BA Honours with Thesis)
Psychology (BA Honours Combined Program)
Psychology (BA Honours with Thesis Combined Program)
Psychology/Social Work (BA Honours Disability Studies)
See also Child Psychology
See also Developmental Psychology
See also Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience

Social Work (BSW Honours)
Social Work (BSW Honours for University Graduates)
Social Work/Psychology (BA Honours Disability Studies)
Social Work and Diaspora Studies (BSW Honours)
Social Work and Women’s Studies (BSW Honours)
Social Work and Music Therapy (BSW and BMus Th Honours)
See also Music Therapy
Sociology (BA)
Sociology (BA Honours)
Sociology (BA Honours Combined Program)
Social Justice (BA Honours Combined Program)

Undeclared Major (Discovery Program)

Visual Arts (BA)
Visual Arts (BA Honours Combined Program)
Visual Arts (BFA Honours)
Visual Arts and the Built Environment (BFA Honours VABE)
Visual Arts and Art History/Visual Culture (BA Honours)
Visual Arts and Communication Studies (BA Honours)
See also Art History

Women's Studies (BA)
Women's Studies (BA Honours)
Women's Studies (BA Honours Combined Program)
See also Social Work and Women's Studies