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58-100. Introduction to Environmental Studies
This course introduces concepts, issues, and practices of Environmental Studies, emphasizing social, political, cultural, ethical, and ecological interactions between nature and society and involves concepts and research strategies from across the social and physical sciences. Topics may include conservation and development, forestry management, desertification and agricultural sustainability, energy production and use, the politics and science of global climate change, and the role of geographic scale in framing environmental problems. (Open only to students in the BES program.)
58-499. Environmental Studies Research Project
Each student will be required to carry out an original research project in environmental studies and write a report under the supervision of one of more faculty members. The research topic can be in an area relevant to Environmental Studies (e.g., physical geography, sociology, philosophy, political science, etc.) Or be interdisciplinary. (Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the BES program with semester 7 or 8 standing, and with a minimum major GPA of 9.0. Students must consult with an Environmental Studies Coordinator and an appropriate faculty supervisor prior to enrolling in the course.) (6.0 credit hour course which counts as two courses, 2 semester course.)