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Overload courses are deemed to be courses taken in addition to the prescribed term load for a given program. These could include a) courses repeated or taken in lieu of failed courses, b) courses taken to accelerate the time to completion of degree requirements or c) courses taken in addition to those required for the program in which the student is registered.
Students in Semesters 1 and 2 may not register in any course overload; entering students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and in the Faculty of Science who have qualifying averages of 90 or higher may apply for permission to take a course overload to the Associate Dean of their Faculty. Senior students (Years 2 - 4) who are not on academic probation may normally register in only one overload course during each of the Fall and Winter terms. In the Faculty of Science course overload requests must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science. In the Faculty of Engineering course overload requests must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
Students should not take overload courses unless absolutely necessary since the result may be poorer overall performance.
All three-year programs require the completion of thirty courses and most Honours or four-year Major programs require the completion of forty courses. For such programs, therefore, the normal course load during the Fall and Winter terms is five courses.
Certain Honours or four-year Major programs require more than forty courses for completion of the degree. For these programs the prescribed term load is indicated in the program section of the calendar.
A student may take up to three six-week courses in either Intersession or Summer Session, but no more than a total of five courses over the combined Intersession and Summer Session time period. Students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences who are on academic probation may take no more than two courses during each of Intersession and Summer session and altogether no more than four courses over the combined Intersession and Summer session time period.
The normal course load for Co-op programs which include a summer study term is included in the program section of the calendar (see Overload Course Feein the Fee Regulations section of this calendar). |