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(Ext. 2318)
Professors Emeriti
Pryke, Kenneth G.; B.A. (Carleton), M.A., Ph.D. (Duke)-1963.
Klinck, David M.; B.A.; M.A. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (Wisconsin)-1968.
McCrone, Kathleen E.; B.A. (Saskatchewan), M.A., Ph.D. (New York U.)-1968.
Sautter, Udo; B.Phil, St. E. 1st and 2nd, Ph.D. (U. of Tuebingen)-1969.
University Professor
Howsam, Leslie; B.A. (Waterloo), M.A., Ph.D. (York)-1993.
Tucker, E. Bruce; B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Brown)-1988.
Way, Peter; B.A. (Trent), M.A. (Queens), Ph.D. (Maryland)-1991.
Associate Professors
Kulisek, Larry L.; B.S. (Northwest Missouri State), M.A. (Omaha), Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1968.
Simmons, Christina; A.B. (Radcliffe), M.A., Ph.D. (Brown)-1990.
Burr, Christina A.; B.A. (Western), M.A. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (Memorial)-1997.
Palmer, Steven; B.A. (British Columbia), M.A., Ph.D. (Columbia)-2001.
Assistant Professors
Wright, Miriam; B.A. (Western), M.A. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Memorial)-1997.
Nelson, Robert; B.A. (Simon Fraser), M.A. (Simon Fraser), Ph.D. (Cambridge)-2003.
Lazure, Guy; B.A. (Montreal), M.A., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins)-2003.
Mohamed, Mohamed H.; B.A. (Kartoum); M.A.; Ph.D. (Alberta)-2004.
Huffaker, Shauna; B.A.(Boise State); M.A.; Ph.D. (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara)-2007.
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Atkin, Natalie; B.A. (Ottawa), Ph.D. (Wayne State) 1999
Phipps, Pauline Ph.D. (Wayne State)
Professor Emeritus
Crowley, Edward J.; B.A. (St. Joseph's, New Brunswick), S.T.L. (Catholic U. of America), S.S.L. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome)-1957.
Milne, Pamela J.; B.A., M.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (McGill)-1984.
Associate Professor
Muldoon, Maureen H.; B.A. (Queen's), M.A., Ph.D. (U. of St. Michael's College, Toronto)-1986.
Sessional Instructors
Beharriell, Chad; BA (Laurentian University, Sudbury)- 1999, MA (Laurentian University, Sudbury)- 2003
Limited Term Professors
Pole, Adam; Ph.D. (Trinity College, Dublin)- 2005 |