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Fall 2009 Undergraduate Calendar
All courses listed will not necessarily be offered each year.
The prerequisite of all 200-level courses, unless otherwise indicated, will be both 59-140 and 59-141.
The prerequisite for all 400-level courses will be the consent of the instructor, except as noted.
59-110. Topics In General Chemistry
An introduction to selected topics in modern chemistry for engineering: atomic and molecular structure, properties of matter and the periodic table, macroscopic chemical systems, stoichiometry, properties of the equilibrium state and applications to thermochemistry and electrochemistry. (Prerequisite: Grade 12“U” Chemistry or equivalent.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-140. General Chemistry I
Introductory concepts in chemistry, including reactions of atoms, ions, and molecules, solution stoichiometry, thermochemistry, electronic structure of atoms, basic chemical bonding and molecular geometry, periodic properties of the elements, and the theory of gases. (Prerequisite: Grade 12“U” Chemistry or equivalent, or consent of the instructor.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
59-141. General Chemistry II
A continuation of 59-140 covering topics such as chemical kinetics, general equilibrium theory, acid-base theory, chemical thermodynamics, and introduction to organic chemistry. (Prerequisite: 59-140.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
59-191. Organic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences
A course of particular interest to students of nursing and other health science areas. The subject matter includes a survey of organic functional groups, the organic chemistry of biomolecules, and a survey of the major metabolic pathways. (Prerequisite: Grade 12“U” Chemistry or equivalent.) (Antirequisites: 59-141, 59-230, and 59-232.) (2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour a week.)
59-201. Chemistry in the Marketplace
The basic notions of chemistry will be introduced and discussed in a qualitative manner with a view to understanding chemistry and materials encountered in everyday life. The course will provide an appreciation for the ubiquitous nature and importance of chemicals and chemical processes. Discussion will include a variety of topics such as chemistry in the home, plastics, drugs, cosmetics, biotechnology, chemistry and computer technology, nuclear power and pollution. The course is intended for students with no formal background in chemistry. (Not open to first-year students; may be taken by B.Sc. students for credit, but it does not count as Chemistry and Biochemistry course or other science option towards the fulfillment of the requirements for the B.Sc. degree. Students in Chemistry, Chemistry & Physics, Biochemistry and Biochemistry & Biotechnology may not take this course for credit.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-230. Introductory Organic Chemistry
Introduction to organic chemistry, with emphasis on structure, stereochemistry, and reactions of aliphatic and alicyclic compounds and their functionalized derivatives. (Prerequisites: 59-140 and 59-141, or 59-110.) (Antirequisite: 59-232.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-232. Introductory Organic Chemistry
The same as 59-230 but without the laboratory. (Prerequisites: 59-140 and 59-141.) (Antirequisite: 59-230.) (3 lecture hours a week.) (Not available for credit to students majoring in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Biological Sciences.)
59-235. Introductory Organic Chemistry II
A continuation of 59-230. Topics include the chemistry of nitrogen-containing compounds, aromatic chemistry and an introduction to spectroscopic methods. (Prerequisite: 59-230.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-240. Introductory Physical Chemistry I
Properties of ideal and real gases, first and second laws of thermodynamics, physical transformations of substances, mixtures of substances and phase diagrams are applied to changes of state, chemical reactions and spontaneous processes. (Prerequisites: 59-141, 62-140, and 62-141.) (3 lecture, 3 lab or 1.5 tutorial hours in alternate weeks.)
59-241. Introductory Physical Chemistry II
Physical and chemical equilibrium, equilibrium electrochemistry, molecular motion and collisions, chemical reaction rates, kinetics and introduction to statistical mechanics. (Prerequisite: 59-240, 62-140 and 62-141.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours per week.)
59-250. Introductory Inorganic Chemistry I
Introduction to inorganic chemistry. Topics include: the origin of trends in the periodic table, molecular symmetry, and chemical bonding (including ionic bonding and the molecular orbital and valence bond models for covalent bonding). These approaches will be used to explain the chemistry and properties of selected classes of main group compounds. Photoelectron, NMR, and vibrational spectroscopy are introduced as complementary tools in the examination of these molecular species. (Prerequisite: 59-141.) (3 lecture hours a week, 1.5 tutorial hours a week.)
59-251. Introductory Inorganic Chemistry II
The coordination chemistry of transition metals will be discussed, with particular reference to the means of physical and spectroscopic characterization. Relevance of such compounds to bio-inorganic systems will also be discussed. (Prerequisite: 59-250.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-261. Organic Chemistry of Biomolecules
An extension of the principles covered in 59-230 to the structure and properties of organic molecules of biological significance (
proteins, nucleic acids and lipids). (Prerequisite:
.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-263. Organic Chemistry of Biomolecules
The same as 59-261 but without the laboratory. (Prerequisite: 59-230 or 59-232 or consent of the department.) (3 lecture hours a week.) (Not available for credit to students majoring in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biochemistry-Biotechnology, Biology-Biotechnology or Biological Sciences.) (59-263 may not be used as a pre-requisite for 59-362, 59-363, 59-365 or 59-380 nor as one of the eight additional Science courses at the 200 level or above for students majoring in General Science.)
59-291. Pharmacology for Health Sciences
A lecture course of particular interest to students in the health sciences areas. The course material includes the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and is aimed at developing an understanding of the function of the human body with respect to the use and effects of drugs in health and disease. (Prerequisites: 55-204, 55-205, and one of 59-261 or 59-263.) (3 lecture hours a week).
59-320. Analytical Chemistry
Fundamental chemical principles and theory that are important to classical, or "wet" analytical chemistry are presented, and illustrated using practical applications. The topics covered in this course include aqueous-solution chemistry, equilibria in complex systems, electrolytes, and titrimetric methods of analysis (gravimetric, precipitation, acid-base, complexiometric and reduction-oxidation). Theory and applications of electrochemical techniques include potentiometric and amperometric titrations. (Prerequisite: 59-141 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-321. Principles of Instrumental Analysis
The fundamental principles of operation and practical application of modern analytical instrumentation are presented. Acquisition of qualitative and quantitative chemical, biochemical and bioanalytical data from these instruments and methods describes the atomic and molecular composition and structure of matter. Topics covered in this course include atomic and molecular absorption and emission (photoluminescence) spectroscopy, atomic and molecular mass spectroscopy, and separation methods such as gas and liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. (Prerequisite: 59-320 or consent of instructor.) ( 3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-330. Spectroscopic Structure Identification
Structure elucidation and the use of spectroscopic techniques in synthetic chemistry. The experimental and theoretical principles of mass spectrometry, UV/visible, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, with focus on applications of spectroscopic techniques to structure analysis. (Prerequisite: 59-235 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-331. Intermediate Organic Chemistry
The methods of organic synthesis and the reaction mechanisms involved. (Prerequisite: 59-235 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-332. Spectroscopic Structure Identification
The same as 59-330 but without the laboratory. (Prerequisite: 59-235 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-333. Intermediate Organic Chemistry
The same as 59-331 but without the laboratory. (Prerequisite: 59-235 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-340. Quantum Chemistry
Principles of quantum theory, origins of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, Schroedinger equation, Born interpretation of the wavefunction, the uncertainty principle, applications of quantum mechanics, atomic structure and spectra, molecular structure, molecular orbital theory, introduction to computational chemistry. (Prerequisite: 59-241.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours per week.)
59-341. Molecular Spectroscopy
Symmetry elements, group theory, character tables, rotational and vibrational spectroscopy, electronic transitions, lasers, photoelectron spectroscopy, introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance. (Prerequisite:
or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours per week.)
59-350. Organometallic Chemistry
This course provides an introduction to the organometallic chemistry of the transition metals. (Prerequisite: 59-251 or consent of instructor.) (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
59-351. Materials Chemistry
Modern topics in materials science and solid state chemistry are discussed with an emphasis on properties, applications, and methods of characterization. The areas covered will include biometric materials, nanoscale engineering, liquid crystals, semiconductors, superconductors, organic metals, ferromagnetism and the ferroelectric effect, non-linear optical materials, thermochromic solids, scanning tunneling microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Emphasis on applications to biomaterials engineering. (Prerequisite: 59-251.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-352. Organometallic Chemistry
The same as 59-350 but without the laboratory. (Prerequisite: 59-251 and consent of instructor.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-362. Metabolism I
Catabolism and the generation of phosphate bond energy. Introduction to chemistry of life, principles of bioenergetics, glycolysis, glycogen breakdown, citric acid cycle, electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid oxidation - ketone bodies, amino acid degradation energy metabolism. (Prerequisite: 59-261.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-363. Metabolism II
The utilization of phosphate bond energy will be illustrated by carbohydrate, fatty acid, nucleotide and lipid biosynthesis, hormonal (G-proteins) and metabolite regulation, biological membranes (structure and transport mechanisms) and contractile processes (muscle biochemistry). (Prerequisite: 59-362.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-365. Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry
The covalent and three dimensional structures of these macromolecules will be described in conjunction with study of the chemical and physical methods used in their purification and characterization. (Prerequisite: 59-261.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-380. Biotechnology Laboratory
This intensive laboratory course will primarily simulate the discovery and rapid characterization of genes and gene products. Laboratory experiments will include cutting edge biotechnology techniques and traditional biochemical and molecular biology methodology. For example, DNA/plasmid isolation, cloning, DNA sequencing and analysis, introduction to bioinformatics and microarray technology, characterization of cloned products, protein isolation and characterization, and determination of enzymatic catalysis and regulation will be used to study gene products on a genetic and protein level. Other topics include forensic genetics and plant biotechnology. (Prerequisites: 59-261 and 55-213, Recommended co-requisites: 59-362, 59-363, and 59-365.) (6 laboratory hours per week over two terms, 6 credit course.)
59-410. Research
Original laboratory research under the direction of a faculty member. Student must present three seminars discussing their research project. (1 lecture, 12 laboratory hours per week over two terms; 6 credit hours.) (Only open to students in Chemistry Honours, Chemistry and Physics Honours, Biochemistry Honours or Biochemistry & Biotechnology Honours programs; please consult the "Program Requirements" section above.)
59-431. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Topics may include polymer chemistry, natural product chemistry, advanced synthetic methodology, or design and execution of organic syntheses. (Prerequisite: 59-331 or consent of instructor.) (2 lecture hours a week.) (May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
59-435. Advanced Organic Chemistry
Physical organic chemistry. Includes molecular orbital theory, stereochemistry, thermodynamics, and reaction mechanisms. (Prerequisite: 59-331 or consent of instructor.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-440. Kinetics and Photochemistry
Fundamentals of kinetics and photochemistry. Absorption and emission techniques. Surface photochemistry. (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-441. Statistical Thermodynamics
This course covers the following topics: laws of thermodynamics, heat capacities, distribution laws, partition functions, and chemical equilibria and kinetics. The subject will be further illuminated by discussions of low temperature phenomena and spectroscopy. (Prerequisite: 59-241.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
59-445. Advanced Physical Chemistry
Special topics in physical chemistry. (2 lecture hours a week.)
59-450. Special Topics in Main Group Chemistry
This course provides an introduction to the chemistry of main group elements with a particular focus on the elements of the p-block. The material will highlight the similarities and differences observed between organic molecules and those from the rest of the periodic table with respect to their structural features, bonding and reactivity. (Prerequisite: 59-250.) (3 lecture hours a week.)(May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
59-451. Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Advanced topics in inorganic chemistry and organometallic chemistry may include analytical and spectroscopic methods of use to the inorganic chemist, advanced topics in main group chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, or the chemistry of the lanthanides and actinides. (Prerequisite: 59-351 or consent of instructor.) (2 lecture hours a week.)
(May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
59-452. Surface Chemistry and Analysis
This course provides an introduction to the properties of surfaces with a focus on the formation, characterization and applications of self-assembled monolayers. Specific topics will include methods of preparation, molecular-level control of macroscopic surface properties, chemical reactions on the monolayer surface, and surface characterization techniques. The course will also cover applications of self-assembled monolayers such as their use as etch resists, as substrates for crystallization, and as model biological surfaces. (Prerequisite: 59-350.) (3 lecture hours per week.)
59-464. Enzymology and Biotechnology
This course will focus on the structural and mechanistic properties of biological enzymes. Topics to be covered include, chemical catalysis, kinetics, activity inhibition, catalytic mechanisms, and an overview of modern approaches to studying enzymes. Molecular mechanisms regulating the activities of enzymes in the cell will be discussed. (Prerequisite: 59-261.) (2 lecture hours per week.)
59-466. Drug Design
Lectures cover various aspects of drug discoveries and designs. Beginning with basic knowledge in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, students should learn how lead is discovered and how the lead is modified to yield potent therapeutic agents. Several techniques in the area of molecular biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and computational biology will be discussed and presented. (Prerequisite: 59-261.) (2 lecture hours per week.)
59-468. DNA Science and Diagnostics
An advanced lecture dealing with DNA science and the application of DNA technology in the understanding and diagnosis of human disease. The lectures cover the biochemistry and expression of DNA and RNA at the molecular level, the theory and practice of recombinant DNA technology, and the application of DNA probes in diagnosis of human disease and in human gene therapies. (Prerequisite: 59-261.) (2 lecture hours per week.)
59-470. Introduction to Computational Chemistry
Students are introduced to modern methods in computational chemistry, including semi-empirical techniques, ab initio calculations, molecular mechanics, and biomolecular modelling. Course emphasis is upon the physical basis of these techniques and their application in chemical research. Practical instruction in modelling and graphical software will be given, and assignments and projects will be computer based. (Prerequisite: 59-241.) (3 lecture, 2 laboratory hours per week.)
59-476. Special Topics in Chemistry
(2 lecture hours a week.)
(May be repeated for credit if content changes.)
59-480. Bioinformatics/Genomics/Proteomics
Introduction to informatics, flow of genetic information from nucleic acid sequence to amino acid sequence, gene expression profiling at the mRNA level, gene micro arrays, application of genomic database (Swissprot, gene bank). Introduction to functional genomics, proteomics, protein profiling, 2D gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry of proteins eluted from 2D gels, peptide mass fingerprinting, comparative proteome analysis, application of 2D protein database and MS peptide database, high throughput analysis of protein-protein interactions, antibodies and phage-display technologies for protein micro array analysis, application of the biomolecular interaction network database (BIND) to find and predict protein-protein interactions. (Prerequisite: 59-365 or 55-350.) (2 lecture hours per week and 1 computer lab hour per week.)