University Slogan - The degree that works
Undergraduate Calendar
Fall 2009

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DISCOVERY PROGRAM (undeclared majors)

Students who have not decided on a major may remain undeclared until they have completed ten courses at the University of Windsor. These students will be placed in the Discovery Program.

The Discovery Program provides for undeclared students a home in their first year at university while they are discovering their preferred major. The “Foundations of Academic Writing” courses required in this program will give them a solid foundation for the extensive amount of written work they face in courses they take throughout their university career. “Understanding the Contemporary World” will guide them into thinking critically while examining a variety of topics from several points of view. Students will receive attention to help them achieve academic success and the possibility for success after graduation.

Students in the Discovery Program (undeclared majors) must take 01-120 Understanding the Contemporary World and 01-150 Foundations of Academic Writing in the Fall Semester of their first year, and 01-151 Foundations of Academic Writing II in the subsequent semester. Further academic counseling about choice of courses and other academic possibilities is available for students in this program through the Advising Centre.