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H. Allan Conway; B.B.A. (St. Francis Xavier), M.B.A. (Western Ontario), D.B.A. (Harvard)-2005.
Associate Deans
Diana Kao; LL.B. (National Cheng-Chi), Dip. in Acc. (Wilfred Laurier), M.B.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western Ontario)-1990. (Acting Associate Dean, Operations)
Singh, Jang - B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (College of St.Thomas), M.B.A. (Windsor), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto) -1986. (Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives)
Professors Emeriti
Wilson, David – B.Comm. (Assumption), M.B.A. (Michigan), C.A. – 1966.
Haque, Mohd. Razaul; B.Sc., m.Sc. (Atigarh Muslim U.), M.Sc. (Southern Illinois), Ph.D. (Wayne State) - 1967
Johnston, D. Ross; B. Comm. (Alberta), M.B.A. (McMaster), F.C.A.--1968.
Morgan, Alfie; B.Comm. (Cairo), M.B.A. (Boston), Ph.D. (American U.)-1969.
Rosenbaum, Edward; B.A. (Wayne State), M.S., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), J.D. (Detroit College of Law), C.F.A.-1969.
Lam, Wai P.; B.Comm. (St. Mary’s), M.B.A., Ph.D. (Michigan State), F.C.A.-1973.
Crocker, Olga Lillian; B.Ed., M.B.A. (Alberta), Ph.D. (U. of Washington)-1976.
Thacker, James W.; B.A. (Winnipeg), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1982.
Brill, Percy; B.Sc. (Carleton), M.A. (Columbia), Ph.D. (Toronto)-l983.
Kantor, Jeffrey; B. Bus. Sc., B. Comm. (Hons.) (Capetown), C.P.A., C.A. (Ontario), Ph.D. (Bradford, England)-1983.
Bart, John T.: B. Eng. (The Royal Military College of Canada)., M.B.A., Ph.D. (Western Ontario) - 1984
Withane, Sirinimal - B.Sc. (Vidyodaija), M.Sc. (Moratuwa University), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (Suny, Albany)- 1986.
Armstrong-Stassen, Marjorie; B.S., M.L.H.R., Ph.D. (Ohio State)-1989.
Faria, Anthony John; B.S., M.B.A. (Wayne State), Ph.D. (Michigan State)-1975.
Andiappan, Palaniappan; B.A., M.A., M.Litt. (Madras), M.S. (Massachussetts), Ph.D. (Iowa)-1980.
Dickinson, John R.; B.S.B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A. (Indiana)-1980.
Aneja, Yash Paul; M.S., B.S. (Indian Statistical Inst.), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins)-1983.
Chandra, Ramesh; B.S. (Bihar Institute of Tech.), M.S. (Mississippi State), Ph.D. (Union College), Ph.D. (Oklahoma)-1983.
Templer, Andrew; B.A. (Hons.), (Witwatersrand), M.A. (South Africa), M.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (Witwatersrand)-1983.
Fields, Mitchell; B.A. (Maryland), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1985.
Okechuku, Chike; B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Toronto), M.B.A., Ph.D. (York)-1986. (Director, Centre for Executive Education)
Singh, Jang; B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (College of St. Thomas), M.B.A. (Windsor), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)-1986.
Ursel, Nancy D.; B.Comm. (McGill), M.B.A. Ph.D. (Concordia)-1989.
Fleisher, Craig; B.S.B.A. (University of Florida), M.S.A. (Lincoln Graduate Centre), M.B.A. (Vanderbilt University), Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh)-1991. (University of Windsor Research Leadership Chair)
Hussey, Roger D.; M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bath)-2000.
Associate Professors
Musson, Harold Douglas; B.Comm. (Windsor), M.B.A. (Michigan State)-1968.
Freeman, Jack L.; B.S. (Michigan State), M.B.A. (Wayne State), Ph.D. (Michigan State)-1972.
Cattaneo, R. Julian; Licenciado (Buenos Aires), Ph.D. (Michigan)-1980. (Director of Graduate Studies)
Gunay, Erdal; B.S. (Middle East Technical University), M.B.A., Ph.D. (Syracuse)-1983.
Rieger, Fritz; B.S. (Manhattan), M.B.A. (Columbia), Ph.D. (McGill)-1983.
Forrest, Anne; B.Sc., M.I.R. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Warwick)-1985. (Program Chair, Women's Studies)
Chaouch, A.; B.Sc. (Algiers), M.Sc. (Stanford), Ph.D. (Waterloo)-1986.
Reavley, Martha; B.Comm., M.B.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Wayne State)-1986.
Wellington, William; B.Sc. (Western Ontario), M.B.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Michigan State)-1986.
Lan, George; B.S. (Beloit College), M.A. (Smith College), M.B.A. (Tulane University), Ph.D. (Queen's)-1988.
Assaf, Ata; B.A. (Lebanese U.), D.H.S., M.A. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (McGill) - 1999.
Ong, Audra; B.Sc. (Queen's, Belfast), M.B.A. (Wales), Ph.D. (West of England, Bristol) - 2000.
Pathak, Jagdish; B.Comm., M.Comm. (University of Rajasthan), Ph.D. (University of Goa) - 1995.
Sinha, Rajeeva; B.A. (Patna), M.A. (Jaawalharlal Nehru), M.Phil. (Delhi), Ph.D. (Warwick) - 2000.
Schlosser, Francine; B.B.A. (Wilfred Laurier), M.B.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Waterloo)-2004.
Assistant Professors
Miller, Peter; B.Eng. (McGill), M.B.A. (Toronto)-1977.
Al-Hayale, Talal H. S.; B.Sc. (University of Mosul), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Wales)-1990.
Kao, Diana; LL.B., (National Cheng-Chi), Dip. in Acc., (Wilfrid Laurier), M.B.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western Ontario)-1990. (Acting Associate Dean, Operations)
Baki, Mohammed Fazle; B.Sc. (Bangladesh Inst. of Technology), M.B.A. (University of Dhaka), M.B.A. ( Univ. of New Brunswick), Ph.D. (University of Waterloo)-1999.
Higginson, James; B.Comm. (McMaster), M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Waterloo), CITT-2001. (Director of Undergraduat Programs)
Hutchinson, David; B.Sc. (Western Ontario), M.B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), Ph.D. (Bristol)-2001.
Kerr, Gerard; B.A. (Western Ontario), B.A., B.Admin. (Brock), M.B.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (York)-2001.
Cheung, Keith; B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (York)-2003.
Moro, Francisco; B.A. (Pontifical Catholic), M.Eng., Dr.Eng. (Santa Catarina), Ph.D. (Wisconsin)-2003.
Lee, Jonathan; B.Comm., M.B.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (South Carolina)-2003.
An, Yunbi; B.S. (Shandong, China), M.A. (Central University, Beijing), M.A. Economics (Windsor), Ph.D. (Queen's)-2004.
Li, Kevin W; B.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Xiamen University, China), Ph.D. (Waterloo)-2004.
Bussiere, David; B.B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), M.B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), Ph.D. (University of the West of England/Bristol); 2005. (Director of Graduate Programs)
Gowing, Maureen; B.A. (Carleton), M.B.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Queen’s)-2005.
Ma, Zhenzhong; B.Com., M.A. (Renmin U Beijing), Ph.D. (McGill)-2005
Selvarajah, Esaignani; B.S. (University of Peradeniya), M.A.S. (Toronto), Ph.D. (McMaster)-2006.
Elsaid, Eahab; B.Sc. (Cairo), M.B.A. (S. Illinois), Ph.D. (S.I.U.)-2007.
Power, Jacqueline; B.A. (Western Ontario); MBA (Queens); Ph.D. (Carleton) - 2004
Phillips, John; Grad. Diploma (Can. Coast Guard College); MBA (Memorial); Ph.D. (Western Ontario) - 2006
Stomp, Josephine - B.A. (University of Toronto), M.B.A. (York)-2005; Ph.D. (York) - 2006
Bhandari, Gokul; MBA (U of Minniesota), M.A. (MCMaster), Ph.D. (McMaster) - 2007
Maheshwari, Bharat; B.A. Eng. (India); MBA (Carleton); Ph.D. (Carleton) - 2007
Lecturers (Tenure Track)
Meldrum, Mark; B.A. (Brock), B.C. (Windsor), B.C.Sc. (Windsor), MBA (Windsor), PhD. (Case Western)-2007.
Lecturers (Limited Term)
Horniachek, Dale; B.Sc. (Walia College); C.A. (Ontario); MBA (York)
Jones, Don; B.Com.( Windsor), CA (Ontario)
Arya, Seema; B.Comm (India); M.Comm (India); M.Phil (India); Ph.D. – 1991
Dunning, Greg; B.A. (Western Michigan)); MBA (Eastern Michigan)
Stevens, James; B.A. (Windsor), MBA (Wayne State); C.A. (Ontario); B.Comm (Windsor) |