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Admission to Criminology and Combined Honours Criminology Programs
Although criminology courses begin in the second year, it is not until third year that students are admitted to the Criminology and Combined Honours Criminology Programme. The number of places available in the third year of the Criminology and Combined Honours Criminology programmes is limited, and admission will be competitive. Entry shall be for the Fall term only. Students are eligible to apply for entry into the Criminology and Combined Honours in Criminology Programmes only after completing twenty, but no more than thirty courses. In particular, applicants must have successfully completed the following courses: 48-101, 48-102,48-202, 48-210, 48-260, 48-262, and either 34-129 or 34-226. Applications and information sheets are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be returned to that office by May 1st. No late applications will be accepted. Decisions will be rendered by June 1st, with notification shortly thereafter.
Admission to the Criminology Degree Programme and any double major programme involving criminology as one of the majors is extremely competitive. Not everyone who applies to the programme is admitted. Criterion for admission is normally a minimum of an 8.0 GPA (Grade Point Average). Students meeting the minimum requirement, however, are not guaranteed admission to the programme. Students who desire to be admitted to the Criminology and Combined Honours in Criminology Programme should therefore strive to obtain the best grade point average (GPA) they can in their first and second years of study.
NOTE: Once students have completed thirty courses they are normally ineligible for admission to the Criminology and Combined Honours in Criminology Programme. Students who are not successful in gaining admission to Criminology after completing twenty credits may reapply up until they have completed thirty credits. There are, however, a very limited number of spaces available at this level. Even students who have achieved the minimum GPA are not guaranteed admission. Entry shall be for the Fall term only. Applications and information sheets are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be returned to that office by May 1st. No late applications will be accepted. Decisions will be rendered by June 1st, with notification shortly thereafter.