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Students without Grade 12“U” Biology or equivalent and who were admitted to other University programs may be allowed to substitute Biology 55-100 and 55-101 as prerequisites for Biology 55-140 and 55-141 provided that a combined grade point average of at least 8.0 is obtained in those courses. However, they will not receive credit towards a B.Sc. degree in Biological Sciences for 55-100 and 55-101.
Areas of Study in Biological Sciences
The B.Sc. in Biological Sciences provides entry to a broad range of teaching, research, and biomedical careers. Most require formal, post-graduate training, and it is the student's responsibility to determine, as early as possible, the specific requirements of programs to which he or she wishes to proceed.
Programs in Biological Sciences provide a solidly based background ensuring that the general requirements of post-graduate programs will be fulfilled. The array of courses offered is such that students may emphasize areas of particular interest or aptitude. Advice on career paths and on course selection is available to students through a student advising program. Pursuit of the Honours with thesis degree is strongly recommended for professional advancement in science.
Preparation for Graduate and Professional Schools
Courses are available to permit the student to become fully prepared for entry into medical, dental, pharmacy, and other professional schools, as well as graduate programs in the biological sciences. Pre-professional advising is available in the Office of the Associate Dean, Lambton Tower. Students should seek advice on course selection early in their program.