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Winter 2008 Undergraduate Calendar
BA (Honours) in Forensics and Criminology
The Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Forensics and Criminology provides a unique inter-faculty program that combines courses from the sciences and social sciences. The program provides training in the identification, collection and presentation of evidence in criminal investigations, as well as an education in criminology including criminal justice, penology, policing, victimology, security, youth justice, and deviance.
Admission will be competitive and will take place at the beginning of the third year. Students are normally eligible to apply for entry into the Double Major program only after completing twenty but no more than thirty courses. Applicants must have successfully completed the following courses:
34-226, 48-101, 49-112, 48-202, 55-141, 62-130, 65-205 (or 02-250), 43-287, 48-260, 48-262, 57-201.
Total courses:
Major requirements:
thirty courses consisting of
01-209; 34-226; 43-287; 48-101; 48-202; 48-207; 48-210; 48-260; 48-261; 48-262; 48-302; 48-308; 48-310 or 49-355; 48-363; 49-111; 49-112; 49-215; 49-323; 55-140; 55-141; 55-211; 62-130; one of 02-250 or 65-205; 57-201; 57-303; 57-400; three of 46-220, 48-361, 48-362, 48-367, 48-368, 48-369, 48-370, 48-375 or 49-375; one of 48-460, 48-461, 48-464, 48-465, 48-466.
Other requirements:
ten open options
Year 1
55-141. Cell Biology
55-140. Biological Diversity
01-209. Ethics in the Professions
57-201. Introduction to Forensic Science
43-287. History of Crime
65-205. Statistics for the Sciences (or 02-250)
62-130. Elements of Calculus
48-101. Principles & Methods of Sociology
49-112. Culture in Comparative Perspective
49-111. Introduction to Physical Anthropology & Archaeology
Year 2
49-215. Principles of Physical Anthropology
48-262. Administration of Criminal Justice
48-260. Introduction to Criminology
48-207. Canadian Social Problems
48-210. Quantitative Research
48-308. Intermediate Statistics
48-202. Foundations in Sociological Theory
34-226. Law, Punishment and Morality
Option course
One of:
49-355. Field Methods in Anthropology (48-355) or option course
48-310. Qualitative Research or option course
Year 3
57-303. Forensic Identification
48-302. Contemporary Sociological Theory
48-261. Law and Social Justice
55-211. Genetics
48-363. Penology
Two options courses
Three of:
46-220. Introductions to Adjustment and Personality
48-361. Youth in Conflict with the Law
48-362. Victimology
48-375. Social Justice and Global Change (49-375)
48-367. Corporate and Government Crime
48-368. Policing Society
48-369. Crime Control and Security
48-370. Selected topics in Criminology
Year 4
49-323. Forensic Anthropology
57-400. Research and Issues in Forensic Science
Seven option courses
One of:
48-460. Social Construction of Deviance
48-461. Family Law and Social Policy
48-464. Sociology of Law
48-465. Women, Law and Crime
48-466. Crime and Criminology