Winter 2008 Undergraduate Calendar


Clients within the University community using computing resources are entitled to the basic human rights of privacy and academic freedom. This privacy and academic freedom extends from the security on individual computer accounts and files, to the non-interference in legitimate computer use for University activities.

The holder of a computer user ID and password will protect the campus computing facilities from unauthorized access by keeping his/her password confidential and by changing it regularly.

Notwithstanding the foregoing principle on individual privacy and academic freedom, certain uses of computing resources are unacceptable. In any case, the campus network services are subject to the acceptable-use guidelines established by regional and national networks (e.g.,ONet and the Internet); the applicable guidelines are available from Information Technology Services.

In general, six major areas of unacceptable use are identified:
(a)Uses that violate federal or provincial laws, or University bylaws and policies such as those concerning information confidentiality.
(b)Any uses that unduly interfere with the work of others or with the work of host systems. This includes, but is not limited to the unauthorized use of a computer user ID or password; the seeking of information about, or the attempt to modify the University's computer security system; and the knowing propagation of computer viruses or electronic chain letters.
(c)Unauthorized copying of proprietary software, publications, or files.
(d)Uses of commercial software that in any way violates the applicable licensing agreement.
(e)Uses related to commercial activities including, but not limited to the distribution of advertising material, the offering of network information and services for sale or personal gain, or to private enterprises.
(f)Computer information that portrays either men or women or their body parts in a pornographic or derogatory manner.

A confirmed incident of unacceptable use will result in a sanction ranging from a verbal warning, to revocation of computing privileges, to expulsion, and to criminal prosecution.